Being part of the MUVI family is very easy and you can help transform the lives of girls, boys and young people in vulnerable situations. Dare to contribute in the way that best suits you!

From $10.00 pesos or whatever you have the opportunity to donate, it will be a donation that will help us a lot. In addition, we are authorized donees, so we can issue you a tax-deductible receipt (donations in Mexico).
Donations in kind
Having an Orchestra or Symphonic Band requires a large amount of resources for day-to-day life, as well as all the operations to carry it out. If you have any of the following in good condition or want to support with any of these options:
1. Office supplies and furniture
2. Musical instruments
3. Stationery
4. Other material.
Call us if you think there is someone else who can help us, we will be happy to answer your questions.


Being a volunteer implies a commitment to collaborate to achieve the objectives of MÚSICA PARA LA VIDA. It is contributing with your time, your knowledge, your desire and all your love.

“Each donation is essential help that encourages the growth of children.”
Monetary Donations
We can receive your donations:
1. Directly through our bank account:

2. PayPal
3. Global Giving
*As it is an international platform, donations made through here are tax deductible in the United States, but not in Mexico.
Become a MUVI Patreon
With only $1,100.00 pesos per month, you can sponsor part of the collaborative musical education of a MUVI girl, boy or adolescent. This education includes the following:
· Instrument, ensemble and musical language classes, Monday to Friday from 4 to 8 in the afternoon with professional teachers.
· Loan of the musical instrument for the entire time you remain in the program.
· Community development activities, life skills and theater.
· Psychosocial support and a safe space of belonging.
· Participation in meetings, concerts and recreational activities.
· A musical experience that will change your life.
Contact us to give you more information about this campaign.
*If you require a tax-deductible receipt, send proof of your donation along with the updated RFC certificate of the person making the donation, indicating the tax regime to which it should be invoiced to the email administracion@musicaparalavida.org

Social Service / Professional Practices
If you are studying a degree and need to do your Social Service, we have several options to offer you.
Your skills and knowledge would help us a lot. Additionally, you will be able to learn about civil society organizations and community music.
We have several options to give you space for growth.
Call us and learn more about how dozens of university students have touched your heart through music.
*If you require a tax-deductible receipt, send proof of your donation along with the updated RFC certificate of the person making the donation, indicating the tax regime to which it should be invoiced to the email administracion@musicaparalavida.org