
¿What is MUVI?
MUVI System

The MUVI System is the main Project of the Music for Life Foundation and its main objective is the creation of symphony orchestras, choirs, symphonic bands and various ensembles, using a participatory methodology in a collaborative musical education model that puts the community practice of music at the center. Therefore, it works as a social insertion program for boys, girls and young people who live in vulnerable situations. It is a psychosocial risk prevention project that transforms realities through music.

MUVI Presence
MUVI Pozos
MUVI Orchestra

Each year a selection orchestra is formed made up of the most outstanding students, who participate in a selection process in which, in addition to evaluating their musical technique, their commitment and community involvement is considered.

That is why it is one of the most relevant activities of the Música para la Vida A.C. Foundation, with a musical artistic component, which in turn promotes the creation of audiences, cultural development and the exercise of cultural rights.

MUVI Talents

In the MUVI experience, there are several teenagers who begin to show interest in studying music professionally. Due to this situation, MUVI creates a project to accompany them in the process of preparing to enter the different Universities or Conservatories in the country, thus following up on their musical training.

A preparatory course is implemented, they are provided with musical instruments while they can get their own instrument, and psychosocial support is provided in this new stage of their life, in which they change residence and begin a different life.

Music teachers are the main experts on these procedures, so their guidance and knowledge helps many young people to pursue their interest in studying music professionally.

MUVI Talents
MUVI Emprende

It is a Youth Entrepreneurship Project through music, which is presented as a training-action strategy aimed at young people, men and women, who have completed or are about to finish their time through the MUVI System, and who have a clear interest in starting productive projects related to music.

For this reason, this project is developed to support young people to create musical projects from scratch that allow them to develop their potential and be able to make a living from them.

In 2023, the 1st Call for Community Youth Collectives of the MUVI Emprende Program was launched with the support of Cummins México.

MUVI Presents

There are many international artists who share their social commitment with MUVI, who agree that music is an engine of transformation, and who enjoy collaborating with social impact projects like ours.

This is how this new concept arises, MUVI Presenta, from which we promote collaborations with great artists. Whether they are benefit concerts, video clips, masterclasses for MUVI students and teachers, etc.

MUVI Presenta connects us with the sensitive music industry, it opens the doors of many diverse audiences who know MUVI through their favorite artists, always seeking to promote reflection, quality, the union of efforts, music that inspires, that transforms, that moves.

To date, artists such as Lila Downs, Mauren Mendo, Armando Manzanero and Rubén Albarrán have been part of MUVI PRESENTS. In addition, companies such as Yamaha of Mexico support this Program.